Board & Management

Board & Management

  • Mr Bob Duffin
    BSc (Hons), MSc (Hons), Grad Dip Mgt, FAusIMM

    Bob is a company director with over 45 years’ experience in resource exploration, project assessment, mining investment analysis and company management.

    Having commenced his career with the Geological Survey of New South Wales, Bob has held senior positions in the exploration divisions of Peko-Wallsend Ltd and MIM Holdings Ltd, two of Australia’s largest mining companies at the time. Prior experience also includes managing director of an international resource exploration consulting and contracting firm, and general manager of a listed mining investment company.

    Throughout his career, Bob has lived and worked in mining communities, including periods in Kalgoorlie in Western Australia and Mount Isa in Queensland, where he worked on exploration programs for multiple commodities including copper, other base metals, gold, uranium and iron ore. He later worked as a mining analyst with three stockbroking firms and was head of research at one of Australia’s leading brokers during the 1980s.

    Bob is a former Non-Executive Director of several listed companies, including Centennial Coal, Midwest Corporation, Ferrowest, Burmine, Austmin Gold, Mt Lyell, the UK resources investment company Europa Minerals Group, and Mancala, a mining contractor.
    • Ms Ley Kingdom
      Chief Executive Officer
      BSc Geology, GAICD, MAusIMM

      With over 25 years of experience in the resources sector in technical and corporate roles, Ley has worked across diverse commodities and jurisdictions, from greenfield exploration to resource definition and feasibility studies.

      Ley’s prior experience includes working for Western Mining Corporation, BHP and a number of juniors and mid-tiers overseeing greenfield projects through to resource definition and feasibility. Ley has a comprehensive understanding of the resources industry and first-hand experience of overseeing the development of exploration projects.

      In 2021, Ley formed her own exploration company, Highland Resources Ltd, which she subsequently vended into a development company with gold reserves in north Queensland. As Managing Director and CEO, Ley successfully led Highlands Resources’ corporate and investor relations division, liaising directly with investors, brokers and corporate entities.
      • Mr Mark Dugmore
        Independent Non-Executive Director
        BAppSc, MSc, MAusIMM, MAIG

        Mark is an experienced geologist and since 2014 to the present date, has been Managing Director of the ROMARDO Group, a private Brisbane-based, precious-base metals and lithium focused early-stage project generation exploration group. Prior to that he was a director of and advisor to several junior mining exploration companies.

        In his current role, Mark’s focus is on the leadership of a private mineral prospect generator group involving ex-BHP/WMC senior geoscientists, who were instrumental in the discovery of the giant Cannington (BHP) and Olympic Dam/Ernest Henry (WMC) deposits. His position involves the acquisition of new grassroots mineral exploration projects which demonstrate the potential for world-class ore deposits and marketing/deal-making of these projects employing the joint venture business model.

        Previously Mark spent 16 years with BHP Minerals, where he rose to the position of Manager, Global Base Metals.
        • Mr Ian White
          Independent Non-Executive Director
          BBus, MBA (Marketing), Grad Dip CSP, FCPA

          Ian has 45 years corporate experience including more than 23 years as Director and Company Secretary. He has served on over 20 Boards including many ASX listed companies, and is currently Company Secretary of Ark Mines Ltd and Lucknow Gold Ltd.

          Ian is highly experienced in all areas of corporate management. He is particularly experienced in all aspects of corporate financial reporting and corporate governance, including all of the corporate governance elements included in the ASX Corporate Governance Council’s Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations.

          Ian was a key advisor to WPG Resources Ltd during its development and subsequent $320M sale of its Peculiar Knob project and has worked extensively in Canada and China.

          Ian is at present a Director of Professional Edge Pty Ltd, a legal and financial services provider to listed and unlisted companies, with emphasis on the junior resources sector.
          • Dr Jason Berton
            Independent Non-Executive Director
            BEc BSc (Hons) PhD

            Jason is a geologist and company director who commenced his career as an exploration and mine geologist at the Plutonic Gold Mine in Western Australia, before moving to BHP Billiton in South Australia, where he worked on the Olympic Dam Mine expansion project. Previously he has also worked with SRK, an international firm of consulting geologists, and spent two years in private equity assessing resource sector investment opportunities. He is a former Managing Director of Estrella Resources and is a director of PolarX, where he played a major role in negotiating the acquisition of key tenements in North America. He is also a non-executive director of Lithium Plus Minerals Ltd.

            Jason’s honours thesis was focussed on the geology of the Lake Cargelligo area in New South Wales, close to the Company’s Browns Reef deposit, and his doctorate was in structural geology. He has strong entrepreneurial and corporate skills, as well as a firm understanding of structural geology and its role in the formation of metalliferous orebodies.
            • Mr Ian Morgan
              Company Secretary and Chief Financial Officer
              BBus, MCom Law, Grad Dip AppFin, CA, AGIA, MAICD, FFin

              Ian is a member of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand and the Governance Institute of Australia, with over 35 years of experience. Ian provides secretarial and advisory services to a range of companies, including holding the position of Company Secretary and CFO for other listed public companies.